Sunday, April 18, 2010

scenester accountability ///

It has come to my attention in the past year or so that aside from just being apathetic and nonchalant about everything and anything, hipster fucks also seem to have forgotten that they're still required to be functioning human beings, just by the sheer fact that they were born into the universe. One would think that anyone without Aspergers, Autism, or some other shitty, socially affecting disease, would posess the common senses of accountability and respect, at the very least, for their friends or business associates.

Well, unfortunately, these immature cocks don't.

 Partying and keeping up appearances has taken the place of being responsible for your actions. For example, if you are a scenester prick and you fancy yourself as a "promoter" or your book shows or what the fuck ever, and you book a show for Friday night with local bands. Then, it turns out that a band you really like is playing down the street for free at the same time. What do you do?

Well, if it were me, I would think that my responsibility was to the show I booked and was the representative for. It's a business responsibility, a social responsibility, and a general gesture of respect to the bands you've booked.

It's an even bigger lack of respect when you, as the promoter of this show, spend more time promoting the show of the band you really like, but did not book, than you do the show you actually have set up.

It's hipster bullshit.

A never ending cycle of who fucked who and looking the coolest.

Eat my dick.


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